Note: student email addresses provided by high schools often do not accept email from outside domains. Please do not use this type of email address.
You have selected both a major and minor degree. The University does not allow you to both major and minor within the same school. If you are not sure yet whether you want to major or minor, you are welcome to audition for both and decide later which degree to pursue.
In order to be accepted as a music education student, you must complete an interview with music education faculty. In the next section, you will need to check at least one of the Music Education options. If you are interested in interviewing for both, you may check both boxes.
In order to pursue a Bachelor of Music in Piano Pedagogy degree, you must audition with Piano faculty. We automatically checked Piano in the next section.
In order to be accepted as a composition student, you must complete an interview with composition faculty. We automatically checked Composition in the next section.
In order to be accepted into the Jazz Minor or the Instrumental Jazz Concentration of the Bachelor of Arts in Music degree, you must audition with jazz faculty. We automatically checked Jazz in the next section.
In order to pursue an instrumental music education degree, you must also audition with an instrumental studio or composition faculty. Please select an instrument or Composition for Primary Area(s) above.
In order to pursue a vocal music education degree, you must also audition with voice faculty or composition faculty. Please select Voice or Composition under Primary area(s).
You have checked an applied area (instrument, voice) outside of your selected Music Education primary area. You only need to audition with voice if you wish to pursue Vocal Music Education. And you only need to audition with an instrument if you want to pursue Instrumental Music Education. If you aren't sure which degree you would like to pursue, you can audition for both voice and an instrumental area, but you must check both Music Education options under Primary area(s).
You have selected Composition as a primary area, but you have not selected a degree that would require an interview with Composition faculty. If you would like to pursue a Bachelor of Music in Composition, be sure to select that option (not the general Bachelor of Music).
Acceptance to a composition major or composition minor requires submission of materials 2 weeks in advance of the interview with composition faculty (which takes place on your chosen audition day). For more details, see the Required Repertoire page.
If you are interested in taking secondary composition lessons (lessons outside of your major), please contact Dr. Karathanasis ( for more information. If you are not interested in majoring or minoring in Composition, you can uncheck Composition in this section.
The general Bachelor of Music option does not have an associated primary area. You must select an applied area (instrument or voice) besides Composition.
You have checked an applied area (instrument or voice) without a relevant degree. Note that BM Composition majors do not need to audition with instrument or voice faculty. If you are considering pursuing a BM degree with another studio, you must also check the general Bachelor of Music degree.
The Bachelor of Music in Piano Pedagogy only requires audition with the piano area. You have checked other primary areas, with no associated degree interest. Please update your degree interests or remove the extraneous primary areas.
You only need to interview with music education faculty if you are interested in pursuing a Bachelor of Music Education degree. Either select Bachelor of Music Education as a degree interest, or uncheck the Music Education area(s) you checked under "Primary area(s)".
You only need to interview with Jazz faculty if you are interested in pursuing the Jazz Minor or the Instrumental Jazz Concentration of the Bachelor of Arts in Music. Either select one of those degrees as a degree interest, or uncheck Jazz under "Primary area(s)".
You have selected an applied area (instrument, voice, or composition) without selecting any degrees that require an applied audition. Note that the Jazz Minor does not require an audition on your instrument or voice.
One of your degrees is missing a required primary area. Select an appropriate primary area above. All degrees except Jazz Minor require an audition with one of the applied studios (instrument, voice, or composition).
You have selected multiple applied (instrument, voice, or composition) studios. This is just a reminder that you only need to select the area(s) with which you are considering pursuing a degree. Your selections here do not limit your participation in ensembles or choirs. Ensemble auditions take place at the start of each semester, and they are open to all students. The auditions you are signing up for with this form determine whether or not you are accepted into specific music degree programs with these studios. In many cases, you can also take lessons from areas outside of your major. If you are unsure which studio you want to pursue a degree with, you are welcome to audition for more than one. It is uncommon, but it is possible to pursue degrees with more than one applied studio.
Professor Ackmann (the bassoon professor) is not available on February 1.
If you are auditioning for a Spring term (beginning classes as a major or minor in a Spring semester), your audition must be "Arranged directly with studio". The standard audition days are for students beginning classes in the following fall semester.
Because your audition is "Arranged directly with studio", you will need to contact the appropriate professor(s) to schedule your audition(s) or interview(s). When you submit the form, you will receive an email with more information about who to contact. Students who complete all necessary audition(s) / interview(s) before March 2 will receive priority for music scholarships.